Are you reading this article because you have been experiencing a bit of eye strain lately? Skim down the short list of habits below to see if you’re guilty of any of them:
- Staring too long at your smartphone.
Ah, there’s a reason this is at the top of the list. On average, how many hours a day do you spend glued to your phone? No one’s judging, but keeping your eyes focused on the small screen for minutes (or hours) on end can be quite a chore to your peepers. If you get too carried away, staring at your phone screen for a long time can lead to dizziness, dry eyes, blurred vision, and nausea. It’s understandable to use your smartphone a lot for work, school, or recreational purposes (after all, this hand-held gadget packs a lot of functions). But just remember to take a quick break every 20 minutes or so. Another thing you can do to prevent eye strain is to increase the font size so you won’t have to squint while following posts on social media.
- Watching TV in the dark.
And not just the TV. If you’re fond of peeping at your gadgets in the dark before sleep (as most of us do). You might want to consider correcting your habit. The glaring light from these devices (in contrast with the darkness of your room) can cause discomfort to your vision. And not just eyestrain. This little habit can also give rise to headaches, induce red or dry eyes, and mess up your sleep cycle too. So, does that mean you should try dimming your screen then? Unfortunately, no. Reading (or watching) in dim light is just as bad for your eyes. If you have something important to get to on your devices, be sure to turn on the lamp on your nightstand for a more comfortable experience.
- Leaving contacts on while sleeping.
No matter how tired you are, this is just a big no-no! Leaving your contacts in for the night is not only uncomfortable, but it can also increase your risk of getting an infection. And we’re warning you now, eye infections can be very scary. As an added reminder, be sure to remove your lenses with clean hands and store them with fresh contact solution too. You can never tell where an infection can start so it’s best to approach all angles with caution.
Now, looking back, how many of the habits listed above have you been practicing so far? These habits indeed seem harmless, but they actually bring a lot of damage to your eyes. Don’t worry. It’s never too late to mend old habits! You can even start making a change today.
If you’re looking for other ways to improve your eye health, check out the eye care products we have at Orlando Pharmacy. And as a reliable Retail Pharmacy in Orlando Florida, we also carry durable Medical Supplies and more!